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Support Help for Assembly Details


This is the second part of creating the assembly programs. After creating the program event itself including the date and location, come here to add participants and information pertaining to each portion of the program.

Quick Links for Information

Parts Panel

Rehearsal Panel

Content Panel

Material Panel

Letter/Email Panel

Reminder Panel

Additional Functions

Assembly Participants Details

Entering Participants - There are three ways to enter program participants.

  1. One way is to do this manually after entering the Program event itself on the previous "Assembly" form and coming to "Assembly Details" and enter each program part individually. Click "New Record" and add the information needed as noted below.
  2. A second way way is to import the basic data automatically. Upon entering this form, with no records having been created yet, you will be asked, "You do not have any participants entered yet. Would you like to Auto-Enter the basic assembly information? If you click "Yes" you will be given the option to "Download" this information or to import from the "Desktop". If you choose to "Download", then the basic information will be downloaded and inserted into the program. Note that only Circuit Assembly, Special Assembly Day and Pioneer Session basic information is provided. This will not provide outlines or other information, simply the part themes and times for the most part at this point.
  3. Another way to enter data automatically is to get this from a friend. After they have completed their assembly program, they can go to the printing tab, and click "Export Program Data." This will create a ".fmp12" file which can be compressed if desired and then emailed to someone. Put this file on the desktop and do not change the name. Then the recipient can choose import from "Desktop" as noted above to import the data from this file into their program, instead of downloading. The entire program, minus participant's names and information (they will be different obviously in your circuit) can then be imported into your program.

Overview of Entering Information

Pick the Name of the Speaker - After you have created a record for the assembly part and entered the basic information regarding the part such as date and time of the part, also Part Type, pick a speaker. This can be changed at any time in the future. If you need, scroll down through the names to find the one you want. Remember, their information must of course be entered first in the database to insert them in the program. You will also be able to see where they have had parts in the past in the picker.

Tip: There is a handy little icon on the ends of some fields like the "Speaker" field, this is a paste to clipboard icon. This is very useful when corresponding in the future.

Portal (listing of names at bottom) - As you enter participants, you will see them noted in the portal below. This provides a quick view of who is on the program.

Program Tab - Other Items

Type of Part - Select from the drop-down list the type of part this is.

Talk No - This is the branch provide talk number

Date of Part - Change the date here if necessary from the drop down calendar.

Minutes - This is specified length of the part

Respond By - It is helpful to give participants a deadline to respond by, it can be entered here through the drop down calendar.

Congregation - This will automatically be included here.

Additional Notes for Letter - This allows you to enter some specific notes for this particular participant. This will show on the letter to the participants right under his rehearsal and/or part information. For example, you may wish to enter the TMS participants talk information here etc.

Rehearsal Info

Rehearsal Tab

Date - Enter the date for the rehearsal from the drop down box

Rehearsal Time Start and End - Use a format similar to this "1:00 PM" for your time."

Place - Enter a location for the rehearsal manually or select from the drop down list. Circuit Data On The Go remembers the locations you have used and allows you to 're-select' them later, saving typing. Locations are helpful because they are included in your iCal event that can be exported later.

(Tip: Use the little "Building" icon to quickly enter a Kingdom Hall address! This is handy because more likely than not, rehearsal locations will be in Kingdom Halls. Otherwise enter the location manually.)

Walk Through Time - This should be entered in this format as an example "8:45 AM"

Walk Through Day - Pick from the drop-down list the day for the walk through

Days Advance Reminder for Rehearsals- Place a number here to indicate how many days notice ahead you would like reminders regarding your upcoming rehearsals. This help you to avoid missing one!

Export to iCal function

Export to iCal function - This is extremely helpful in keeping track with your rehearsal times and appointments. Enter a calendar you wish to export to. If you do not have a calendar created yet, enter a name, and Circuit Data On The Go will create a calendar for you and then enter the appointment.

To Enter an iCal event:

  • Enter all the information including times and location, be sure times are formatted correctly or they will not transfer to your appointment.
  • Enter the Calendar name. This will be remembered by the program for future use
  • Click the calendar icon for each rehearsal appointment.
  • iCal will open and allow you to confirm each rehearsal time

Note on iCal events: These are very handy! After exporting, depending on your settings on your computer, you can then sync these to iCloud and they will appear on your devices. Also you can send confirmations to participants from iCal and then confirm the appointment for the rehearsal time. On the iCal event (click "Info" on the event itself) Click "Add Invitees" and you can send requests for confirmation on these events. Also, export to iCal does not work on the iPad.

Today Tab

This tab will show everything happening "Today". This includes any walkthroughs as well as Rehearsals. Very handy for walkthroughs! Get to parts quickly on the iPad.

Attachments Info

This will show the overall listing for parts on the program. You have ability to check some boxes here as well. Check the box when the participant receives their assignment as well as when it was sent. Also check the box if you want to include them on a broadcast email where the check box says "Email". Going to the Printing Tab and then click "Send Email to Participants". Check the box if you want to include this part on the overall Running Program for this assembly.

Outlined Material

Overview - This will show any information included in the outline for the part. You may need to refresh it using the button provided.

Email Notes

Email Notes - Enter your notes for the emails. You can include Generic notes that appear across ALL types of parts, or enter specific notes for each type of assembly program. Also if you are using HTML emails, you can include a respond message. This will allow recipients to respond quickly back to you.

Reminder Notes

Reminder Notes - Send quick reminders to participants from here

Additional Functions

Button Bar

Notes - Enter notes on this particular assembly program

Print - Preview and Print the letter to the participants here. Go to Chairman's Introductions, and generate other lists and schedules.

Email - Email participants by checking them under the Content tab. Export program data for others, and export to Notability.

Overview - See an overview of the part and time it as well.

Carousel - Bring in the outlines for the parts by going to the Carousel


Speaker Selection - Using SMART SPEAKER SELECT® Rating System, you can quickly find brothers for your parts based on the following criteria:

  • Ratings for Interviews
  • Ratings for Outline Talks
  • Preferences based on Age of Speakers
  • Preferences based on Years Baptized of Speakers
  • Preference for Older brothers for the Baptism Talks
  • Using Speakers who have not given talks for a long time, the longer since a part, the higher the rating
  • Preferences based on being rated for Family Parts

Warnings for the following situations:

  • Using a brother in recent times for Chairman, Prayer, Watchtower Summary, Baptism
  • Ratings or information missing on brothers, lowering the rating
  • Trying to use a brother not rated "Available" in the program
  • Trying to use a brother not rated for CA or RC programs

Disclaimer: Please note, this tool is not considered to give the final say on who should receive a part. You will still need to determine who is best for each assignment. This is only a helpful tool to especially help you to avoid missing brothers to be used on programs.

More Information on Assembly Creation

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