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Support Help for Pioneer School Information

Recent adjustments in the Pioneer Service School have eliminated the need for the Enrollment Record to be sent. Also, the latest information has requested that the Pioneer Letters for the school go to the CBOE.

Getting your Pioneer Contact Information ready

Enter the Pioneer -First you must be sure the pioneer is listed in the database under the Main form where the contacts for the circuit are listed. The basic information must be listed. The full name should be entered and the congregation selected. Also, it is good to run the "Set Gender" to be sure that the proper "Brother" or "Sister" will be selected in the letter to them later. The "Pioneer" Checkbox should be selected and perhaps some of the pioneers have already been 'checked-off' as being slated to go to the school already. This will get your contact information started for selecting for the school.

What next to get the school ready!

Go to the Pioneer School from the Directory Form

Fill in the information for the school(s) needed. Add the following information for each school:

  • Other Instructors Name -This is the full name of the other brother teaching with you.
  • Select the Radio box - if you are the "A" or "B" instructor.
  • Start Date of School - These can be shown as such: July 30-August 10, 2012
  • Location of School - This should be the full address of the school location such as "123 Main St, Anytown, CA"
  • Book Pickup Time - A time such as "11:30 AM"
  • Book Pickup Date - Pick a date from the drop-down calendar
  • Book Pickup Location - This can be an address or any location you select, and then type it in full.

Portal at Bottom

Find the School - Go to and view the desired school by clicking on the magnifying glass icon on left in the row of the Pioneer School. This will show you more details above regarding the school.

Delete School - By clicking on the red "x" in the portal, you can delete the school in that row.

Click on Row - By clicking on the row of the school you can then go directly to school in the next form and begin entering students.

Go to Students Form

Picking the students with "Select Pioneers"

Buttons on Right

Picking the students for the class just got much easier! Click the top button on the right and a new form opens. It should show all the pioneers in your circuit in congregation order. Simply scroll through the list of pioneers and click the pioneer's name indicating they should go to the school. If any pioneers are not listed, either they are not checked as pioneers in the database noted earlier, or are not entered to begin with. Go back and be sure they are entered correctly. You can always look for individuals using the "Search and Find" included with Filemaker. After each selections, you will receive a dialog box that will ask if you want to select another pioneer. This saves time as you quickly go through the selections needed

Pioneer Letter - Add what you would like to the Pioneer Letter to be sent to all students, with vital information merged into the letter.

Preview Letter - You can see how your letter will look and then print them out if you wish for each student. Easier to email to the CBOE!

PDF to Desktop - Quickly PDF a copy of your letter to your desktop for printing and saving if you want.

Email Letter - You can send the letter via email to the CBOE. You can select the option to send just one letter for the current student being viewed OR to all CBOEs and all students. This will generate an email for each student. So if you have 40 students, watch out! You will have 40 emails generated. They can then forward the information to the pioneer. Alternatively, and especially useful if you have many from one congregation, you can PDF the letter to the desktop and send several letters at once to the CBOE. You can PDF all the letters at once for all students and then select them later to send. This will take some time, and still, check the letters for accuracy before sending and to be sure they are actually to pioneers that fit the requirements to attend.

Email Content - Include information to be sent with your email.

Seating Charts - You can quickly create seating charts for students in several different configurations. No way to have configurations for everyone, Better to try a larger configuration and then seat accordingly, even leaving seats in between to make it work better. It will keep track of who is seated and who is not. Never forget a student again!

Pioneer School Schedule - will create a nice form to use for the school. Select which units each will teach and place some notes or reminders at the bottom of the form. You can also create a personalized scheduled for each student, that way you will be sure each gets one at the school. Select brothers for prayers as well by clicking on the fields.

Place Card - Some might find this useful for placing at the students chair so they know where they will sit the first day of the school, again personalizing the school for them.

Other Features

Use a Picture - Use a picture entered under "Contacts" for use in the Seating chart. Check the box to actually use this picture on the chart. More will be done with this feature in the future.

Delete Student - Click on the red "x" to remove a student from the class.

Note - You cannot change contact information while in the Pioneer school. This must be done after leaving the school forms and then entering this under contacts.

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